IoT and Network Security

The Internet of Things and Your Network Security

The Internet of Things is loosely defined as the phenomenon where numerous household items, cars, lights, doorbells, and other things are all wirelessly connected to the Internet despite not being computers, tablets, or smartphones. The number of items connected to the Internet of Things, or “IoT” for short, has been increasing for years as more and more people adopt the use of these items in their homes and offices.

It is estimated that by 2025, there will be more than 20 billion IoT devices around the world. Unfortunately, the rise of the IoT also brings a rise in network security risk for those who make use of them. The IoT involves many devices that are typically not as secure as computers, tablets, and smartphones, and their use increases the chance of your network becoming compromised. Having thorough network security services are essential to prevent these types of risks from turning into real problems. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your network so if you use IoT devices in your home or office, you can remain secure.

Common Network Security Issues with the IoT

There are some common reasons why IoT devices have weaker network security than other connected devices. Many of these items are mass-produced, preprogrammed and identical. They often come with weak, default passwords and when those passwords are discovered by a bad actor who publishes them online, hackers may be able to get access to any network connected to those devices. Also, IoT devices are often simple to set up, but do not come with proper instructions on how to update, patch and maintain them so they remain as secure as possible. Users that are not aware of the potential network security risks they might face could unwittingly allow several patches to go by without updating, leaving their devices and networks open to compromise. Having third-party network security services that proactively keep your devices updated does reduce the chance of this becoming a problem. Finally, IoT devices are not usually designed with the computing power for robust cybersecurity which makes keeping them as secure a possible a challenge for network security services professionals.

Protecting Your Business and Mitigating Risk

If your business uses IoT devices on its networks, there are steps you can take to secure yourself and reduce the network security risks. You can limit the ability of your IoT devices to initialize a connection to your networks, only allowing IoT devices to connect by using network firewalls and access control lists. Another way to mitigate risk is to avoid putting IoT devices you know to be insecure on your business networks altogether. You can create a separate network for the IoT devices to operate on, while your more secure network connects to your sensitive devices and data. Of course, actively checking to ensure all your devices on the Internet of Things are updated with the latest network security patches is also essential to keeping your devices and network safe.

Talk to Network Security Experts

If your concerned about your business because IoT devices are connected to your networks, but you are not sure how to proceed in proactively preventing a cyberattack, your best bet is to ask the experts who will know what to do. Contact us and talk to professionals who can consult with you on the best network security services to protect you from all online risk.

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