VoIP Advantages

Advantages of VoIP Services in a Work From Home World

Over the past fourteen months, the working world has been reshaped due to COVID-19 and the dangers of working in traditional crowded office environments.

Working from home was already a practice on the rise in many industries before the pandemic. But it became absolutely necessary for most in what seemed like an instant, forcing countless companies to adapt on the fly. Adapting to working from home required new tools and resources to handle the shifts in operations and one of the most commonly used tools was hosted VoIP services. VoIP services allow workers to stay in contact and working together even when isolated in different remote working locations.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why VoIP is something your company should be using (or continuing to use) to handle a work from home world.

Top Reasons to Use VoIP

Work From Home is Here to Stay

While it’s true that the pervasiveness of work from home grew exponentially in response to the pandemic, many companies were seeing big benefits in work from home as a policy before then. The previous decade saw continued interest in adding work from home as at least an option for employees and many have seen the benefits as even more appealing since committing to the policy over the last year.

Worker flexibility, reduced overhead, and happier employees are just some of the benefits companies have seen. Hosted VoIP services have supported the shift to work from home from the beginning and anyone still resisting this change in work culture would likely be better served beginning to adjust.

VoIP Phones Can Work from Anywhere

One of the major advantages of using hosted VoIP services when supporting remote work or work from home policies is that phones on a VoIP network can operate anywhere where there’s an appropriate Internet connection. Phones can move from the office to the home office and even to other remote work locations when traveling.

As long as there is Internet connection, users maintain the same phone number and setup is minimal. Using hosted VoIP services allows your workforce to communicate and work in any place that they need to when they can’t be at the office.

VoIP’s Flexibility Complements Work From Home

The flexibility of hosted VoIP services is perfect for supporting a work culture that encourages working from home. Not needing landline services means workers have access to the same resources you would at the office even when someone can’t be there.

In a world where work from home may very well be the norm indefinitely for many industries, hosted VoIP services are a solution that fits neatly into that change of pace. Companies that already were using VoIP as a tool of communication before the rapid changes were set up for success due to their adaptability and flexibility.

Even if workers return to the office, a company’s leadership can never be certain when they’ll need to make major adjustments to working environments again. It protects your company from future major shifts to adopt hosted VoIP services now.

If you need hosted VoIP services for your company, contact the experts at FullScope IT today to schedule an appointment and discuss your options.


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