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Facts for Small Businesses in 2024

Small businesses are incredibly important—not only for the economy but also for innovation. As per the U.S Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, small businesses are the backbone of job creation, contributing to 1.5 million jobs annually, which accounts for 64% of all new jobs in the United States. These small businesses, including one in three family-owned, 17.7% owned by minorities, and 41% owned by women, play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced and diverse economy.

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What are Insider Threats?

What are Insider Threats?

Threats don’t always come in the form of some shadowy figure in a distant land. Often, it’s closer to home, coming from inside your own walls. We’re talking about insider threats, a rising concern for businesses everywhere. These threats come in two flavors: the malicious insiders who intentionally do harm, and the negligent insiders who accidentally cause a data breach or leak sensitive information. Protecting your business against them is crucial, but it’s not always straightforward.

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What is Social Engineering?

What is Social Engineering?

Today, our businesses are more connected than ever. But with this connectivity comes a new wave of threats—social engineering attacks. These aren’t your typical cyberattacks; they’re more cunning, exploiting human psychology rather than technological vulnerabilities. Understanding what these attacks are and how they operate is crucial for any organization looking to protect itself in today’s digital landscape.

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What is Phishing and why is it dangerous?

What Is Phishing and Why It’s Dangerous

Businesses are thriving in the digital age, and we’re all more connected than ever. But there’s a catch – phishing. It’s a sneaky trick that cybercriminals love to use. They set traps in emails, on the phone, across social media, and even in text messages. Their goal? To get you to spill your secrets – stuff like your credit card numbers, login details, and other sensitive info.

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