
IoT and Network Security

The Internet of Things is loosely defined as the phenomenon where numerous household items, cars, lights, doorbells, and other things are all wirelessly connected to the Internet despite not being computers, tablets, or smartphones. The number of items connected to the Internet of Things, or “IoT” for short, has been increasing for years.

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The True Costs of Ransomware

It’s no secret that a company’s data is one of its most valuable assets. After all, there’s a reason that the cybercrime industry will be worth around $6 trillion by the beginning of 2021. One of the most common ways that data becomes compromised is through ransomware attacks. Unfortunately, not everybody understands the costs associated with it.

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Choosing a Network Security Consultant

Network security threats today have reached unprecedented levels. Is your business properly secured? For many business owners the answer is yes, until they get hacked. Compromised company and client data can lead to bad relationships with customers, bad press, and profit loss.

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