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HIPAA IT Compliance

The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 stood as a great victory for patient civil rights and confidentiality. The law required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of patients’ sensitive health information.

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Healthcare IT Services for Medical Practices

Hackers are increasingly breaching data of medical practices of all sizes. In 2021, healthcare data breaches impacted 45 million people, a 9 million person increase from the previous year. What does that mean for your practice? It means you need Healthcare IT Services more than ever to protect patient and practice information.

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The Key to HIPAA Compliance

Your medical facility may not be as HIPAA compliant as you think. Do you have a HIPAA Compliance Plan in place? Have you identified who is managing HIPAA Compliance Services for your location? Protecting patient data is mandated by the federal government, but the responsibility and implementation are up to you.

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What Is HIPAA Compliance?

Any company that deals with protected health information (PHI) must ensure that all the required physical, network, and process security measures are in place and followed.

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HIPAA Fines for Data Breaches Grow

Anthem is one of the largest insurance providers in the United States. Unfortunately in 2015, they had the dubious honor of suffering the largest health data breach in history. It left protected health information of nearly 79 million of their customers exposed.

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