

Holiday Guide for Businesses

As the holiday season gets closer, the sense of excitement is palpable. But for small and medium-sized businesses, this isn’t just a festive time—it’s a critical period that can affect their whole year. In fact, 25% of SMB owners expect to make more than half of their annual revenue in the final months of the year.

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DDoS Attacks and How to Prevent Them

The threats from cyberattacks have grown exponentially in today’s hyper-connected digital landscape. The words “hackers,” “ransomware,” and “phishing emails” have become all too common in our daily vocabulary, signaling the continuous threat from malevolent actors online. At the epicenter of these threats lies one of the most menacing cyberattacks.

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Cybersecurity Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday mark the official beginning of the holiday season. These two days following Thanksgiving are Americans’ favorite days to shop, with a whopping combined $20.42 billion spent by consumers in 2022, according to Adobe. But Black Friday and Cyber Monday are also favorites among cybercriminals.

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How to Avoid Ransomware

The rise of digital technology has increased the risk of cyber threats, including ransomware, which is becoming a severe issue for businesses globally. In fact, according to recent reports, there are 1.7 million ransomware attacks every day—that’s 19 attacks every second.

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What Is Business Continuity Planning?

Uninterrupted operations are a necessity rather than a luxury in today’s fast-paced, interconnected landscape. Central to this notion is business continuity management, the process of overseeing and maintaining operational momentum amidst disruptions, which is more critical now than ever.

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