
Businesses Vulnerable to Hackers

When we think of ransomware attacks, we often think of big companies like Colonial Pipeline getting hacked. The reality is that businesses of all sizes are getting breached, making every computer and network vulnerable to hackers.

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Private Browsing

The internet is engineered to remember everything it can about you so it can – make life easier. It’s a feature and a curse. Undoubtedly, there’s a convenience to it all. We accept the memory and automation of browsers. We gripe about logging into email and Facebook when they seem to forget who we are.

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Biggest IT Challenges for Lawyers

If this blog were being written two years ago, before the onset of the coronavirus, it would be a very different article. We would likely be focusing on the myriad IT challenges that lawyers encounter in the workplace (which, quite frankly, are not much different from what all non-techie employees face).

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3 Ransomware Examples

We recognize we aren’t a news outlet, but we also know how much the news can impact the decisions you make for your business. When it comes to IT Security Services, we want to share three ransomware cases that caused disaster to illustrate why your business needs to be sure software and hardware are updated and protected.

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Proactive Network Security

Too much of Internet security is still reacting to problems that are already there. The unfortunate reality of the situation however is that with the number of cyber-attacks increasing constantly at an exponential rate, it is inevitable that merely reacting to threats as they pop up will not be enough.

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