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February 23, 2023
Whether you’re a small, medium, or large business, IT has become a massively important department that controls and touches nearly everything. This can mean a lot is riding on the shoulders of just a few individuals and their skills and abilities.

February 22, 2023
Within nearly every business, the IT department is one of the most pivotal because they keep everything working and functioning properly. If your company is running its own IT department, you may find that, when something isn’t functioning or breaks, the entire company goes into pause mode waiting for the remedy.

January 22, 2023
A long time ago (and here one is tempted to add the phrase “in a galaxy far, far away”), engineering IT and the services that support it did not even exist. Nevertheless, the tools of the engineering trade, though limited, were supremely effective.

December 16, 2022
The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996 stood as a great victory for patient civil rights and confidentiality. The law required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop regulations protecting the privacy and security of patients’ sensitive health information.

November 30, 2022
Hackers are increasingly breaching data of medical practices of all sizes. In 2021, healthcare data breaches impacted 45 million people, a 9 million person increase from the previous year. What does that mean for your practice? It means you need Healthcare IT Services more than ever to protect patient and practice information. 
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